Welcome to the website of the Orkney Family History Society

Orkney is an archipelago off the northeastern coast of Scotland.

We are a very friendly family history society, formed in 1997, and have around 1600 members.

Our office is open every weekday afternoon and manned by very knowledgeable volunteers.

All our members have online access to our family trees and other resource material, much of which has been transcribed and available for download.

Sib is the Orkney & Old English word for blood related. Do you have Orcadian roots?

Search the Orkney census for your surname: Searching:
You can use the wildcards (?*) to find the spelling variations.
The ? represents any single character, the * represents any number of characters.
Eg. To find all Grey/Gray type Gr?y. To find all Loutit/Louttit/Loutitt use Lou*tit*

Do you know what the Top Ten Surnames were in 1841-1921 ? click here to see the table.

Sib Folk News

This magazine is issued quarterly to our members and also available online.
The 24 pages are full of interesting articles submitted by our members and it’s not unusual for one of these to provide a snippet of information providing a link to a missing relative.


Visitors to our office, in the Orkney Library & Archive, are ensured of a warm welcome by our volunteers. Their wealth of local knowledge, together with the great variety of collected & donated material we hold, can generally help anyone compile a detailed history of their ancestors.

The resources include: Census, BMDs, Monumental Inscriptions, Family Trees, a myriad of other social records. Much of this information is available online for our Members and the website’s search facilities allow easy retrieval of transcripts & documents.

Members Section

These pages provide additional Society information and the Members Directory.
Members can post their queries on the Message Board.